How to Create a Spelling Check

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Create a Spelling Check button

1. Checking Spelling on the text box 
  • Insert a button and name it “cmdSpellChk.” Select “General” on the Picture Caption Arrangament then choose the image icon for Spelling from the Picture Builder as shown below: 













  • Create text box and name it as txtNote.

text note






  • Under the On Click Event Procedure of Spelling button, put the VBA code below.

On click evetn







Private Sub cmdSpellChk_Click()
  With Me!txtNote Me.txtNote.SetFocus
  If Len(.Value) > 0 Then
     DoCmd.SetWarnings False
     .SelStart = 1
     .SelLength = Len(.Value)
     DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling
    .SelLength = 0
    DoCmd.SetWarnings True
 End If
 End With
End Sub 
  • The spelling window will pop-up when the entry text was not on the English(US) dictionary. The entry text “testingg” was entered in the text box shown below:

check tesingg


 2. Checking Spelling on the two pages of Tab Control 
  • Insert a tab control tool from the Design tool. 

tab control




  • Name a tab control “TabNote” then name page to Note 1 and Note 2 

name tab









  • Insert a text box inside the page Note1 and name it “txtNote1” then delete the label of text And insert another text box inside the page Note 2 and name it “txtNote2”

text Note 1




  • Under the On Click Event Procedure of a Spelling button, put the VBA code below. We can use only one spelling button for different tab. We select a note tab first before clicking on the spelling button.

spell for tabnote









Private Sub cmdSpellChk_Click()
Select Case Me.TabNote
Case 0
  With Me!txtNote1
    If Len(.Value) > 0 Then
       DoCmd.SetWarnings False
       .SelStart = 1
       .SelLength = Len(.Value)
       DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling
       .SelLength = 0
       DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    End If
  End With
Case 1
  With Me!txtNote2
    If Len(.Value) > 0 Then
       DoCmd.SetWarnings False
       .SelStart = 1
       .SelLength = Len(.Value)
       DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling
       .SelLength = 0
       DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    End If
  End With
End Select
End Sub
  • Example of spell check on the first page(Note1) of tab

††       test on tab

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