Function Backup File

Function Backup file

You will need to put this function under the Module then call it on the button On Click Event

Function BackupFile() As Boolean
 Dim Source As String
 Dim Target As String
 Dim retval As Integer
 Source = CurrentDb.Name
    ‘change your backup location here
 Target = "Z:\My Apps\Backups\YourFielName"
 Target = Target & Format(Date, "mm-dd") & " "
 Target = Target & Format(Time, "hh-mm") & ".accdb"
' create the backup
 retval = 0
 Dim objFSO As Object
 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 retval = objFSO.CopyFile(Source, Target, True)
 Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function

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